Training Leadership


Leadership Training

You are an HR professional or manager searching for an interactive training for the leaders within your organisation. You believe it’s essential that your leaders are continually developing themselves. That they grow in their own leadership, know what makes them tick and what impact they want to make in their environment. With the Training Leadership by Authentic Leadership, you can boost your leaders’ personal development. With immediate effect!

Our Training Leadership is especially suited when:

  • You want the leaders in your organisation to continually develop themselves
  • You are searching for ways that your leaders can use to solve problems easier
  • You want to invest in your leaders and the organisation
  • You have noticed that most leadership training programmes are not interactive and practical enough
  • Previous trainings you’ve tried have often not enough real, lasting impact on the participants   

The strength of the Workshop Authentic Leadership is that participants get insights on how they can make an even stronger impact on their environment. Why their behaviour and the behaviour of others can sometimes be less effective. And that the key is to understand your creation motive and to make an impact by using that motive. Moreover, this training will create more understanding between leaders and their teams.

More self-confidence, more insight, immediate effect.”

Which possibilities unfold themselves when your leaders

  • Gain an insight into their deepest motives and barriers?
  • Make a more effective impact on their environment?
  • Get a practical method to tackle problems and themes immediately?
  • Have more depth in their conversations with others?
  • Can reflect with a certain amount of self-deprecation by using their gained self-confidence?

What are the results of the Training Leadership? A boost in the development of your leaders and their self-confidence, so they can improve the performance of themselves, their colleagues and the organisation. Problem-solving skills will improve on the right level of abstraction. Leaders will gain more insight in their survival strategies and their edge of the comfort zone.

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What you can achieve because of the Training Leadership

Not only your leaders and organisation will gain from the Training Leadership. Also you, as a professional, will immediately notice the value of the training.  

The results of the Training Leadership for your organisation

  • The problem-solving skills and potential of your leaders will improve
  • Your leaders have become inspired to make more impact on their environment using their deepest motives
  • Your leaders get a practical method which is immediately applicable for coaching their own teams
  • Your leaders have better insight in themselves and the group dynamic
  • Your leaders will find it easier to give each other feedback

The results of the Training Leadership programme for you as a professional

  • You witness the personal (leadership)development of your leaders
  • Your leaders feel more fulfilled and successful, which filters down to their teams
  • Your leaders feel a stronger connection to the organisation
  • The cooperation within your organisation increases
  • A high-performance culture is created

What has this programme done for others

Energetic and active session! Well structured and clear explanation of purpose and Ego’s. Very practical, I can use it straight away.

This is how the Training Leadership works

Getting your leaders to develop is something we achieve together, using positivity, depth and some humour!  We do not believe in digging into what is going wrong – we want to discover hidden potential and unleash it. 

Armed with years of experience and a proven vision and philosophy, our advisers from Authentic Leadership will get to work together with your leaders during the training.

With the personal adviser from Authentic Leadership, participants of the training will get insight in effective and ineffective patterns. But especially how to utilise these patterns to contribute more positively. A positive contribution to the happiness and success of people and the organisation!

During the intake, your adviser from Authentic Leadership will create a tailormade Training Leadership for you. We will talk you through the various possibilities. Depending on your wishes, the duration of the programme can vary between an hour and a day, or more.

I also want a Training Leadership for my leaders

The people behind Authentic Leadership

The Authentic Leadership method is characterised by a no-nonsense approach.

Our mission? Making you even more high performing and fulfilled. By taking control of your life.

The methodology behind this training is applicable at home and in the workplace. We believe in the snowball effect on the people in your environment. We have seen this happening for years and it makes us very happy too.

Contact about Training Leadership

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    Contact about Training Leadership

    Enter your details below if you want to contact us about Training Leadership. If you prefer to speak to us directly about this, please call 035 621 9799.

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