You want to get started with your personal effectiveness. Because you feel that there is more to you than is coming out at the moment. To achieve this you can choose ‘Individual Coaching’, or ‘Burn-out coaching‘ if it all has become too heavy, or maybe you want to be coached for a few days in a row during a ‘Leadership journey’. It may also be that you want to participate in the ‘NGL program’ with peers.
Individual Coaching
You are a director, manager or professional and want to get started with your personal effectiveness. Because you feel that there is more to you than is coming out right now. You wonder if you are still on the right path.
Burn-out coaching
You haven’t been feeling well for a while. Maybe you’ve already dropped out, or you feel like it could happen at any moment. You didn’t expect this to happen to you, and wonder how long this will take.
Leadership Journey
During the Leadership Journey we go into untouched nature to get closer to yourself. Do you want more connection with yourself and what makes the fire burn in you? Recognize and break through your personal blockages? Then the Leadership Journey is for you.
Next Generation leaders
Hey young professional, who are YOU again? It is now time for YOU: your growth, your development of personal leadership.
“More motivation, successful change,
better results. Also for you.”
The people behind Authentic Leadership
The Authentic Leadership method is characterised by a no-nonsense approach.
Our mission? Making you even more high performing and fulfilled. By taking control of your life.
The methodology behind this training is applicable at home and in the workplace. We believe in the snowball effect on the people in your environment. We have seen this happening for years and it makes us very happy too.